Hello all that read this, I guess I haven't posted anything recently.
Well, what have I been up to lately, you might not be asking yourself right now. Well since you didn't ask, I'm going to tell you. I had managed to quit playing WoW (world of warcraft for people that don't know) for about a whole month, in that time I started playing another one, which I quit. I oddly had a void feeling in me, when I stopped playing WoW, I couldn't explain it at the time, but I felt like something was missing. It wasn't that I missed the game, far from it, just something wasn't there. So I started to go through internet dating sites thinking that I would find someone, anyone that I had something in common with, to see if I could fill this void. Well that didn't happen, I did communicate with a few people, but no one was a match for me, or they didn't fill the void through the communications.
I went back to WoW and started talking to friends that I had made. Now it was odd, but I started to feel the void was filling back up, when I talked to 1 friend in general. We talked for the next couple of days, at hours on end, getting to know each other better and better, and realized that we had both missed our talks that we had before I left. A little back story is, that before I left, I would talk to my friends from WoW on vent. and a few I would talk to longer then others, this 1 friend that I was now catching back up with, was one of the few. Back to the present. So we are talking and getting to know each other when it dawns on us, that we missed these talks, and that we cared for each other, bear in mind I haven't met her in person yet, but between typing and talking on vent, we got to know each other very well.
Now you are wondering where I am going with this, well let me just say that I feel strongly for Jules, and that after just getting to know her even better, I have decided to get a plane ticket and visit her. Your probably thinking "are you crazy, are you insane, you shouldn't do this", well I'm going with my gut feeling on this one, and my gut is listening to my heart, and my heart is telling me, she is the one, the one that I need to see, to know without a doubt that these feelings I am feeling are true. I could go and say that they are hormone driven, probably right, but I have never felt this way before. I go to sleep thinking about her, wake up thinking about her, I talk to her at least once daily, if not more times. She is on my mind all the time. When I speak to her, it's from my heart, I can express myself to her in ways that I haven't been able to before. I could say that the other people that I have either dated, or asked out, I could talk to them, but it was never like this. With Jules, ever thing seems to have more feeling, more meaning, I am happy, I smile just thinking about her, she is truly the one I love.
So that is what I have been up to, I pretty much got shot by cupids arrow, and am thankful for it. I guess it's like that saying where you find love where you least expect it, or love is right under your nose.
Well, I will try to be a little more active in my postings in the future.